Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Power of a Smile: ESL Discussion Questions

What is a smile?  
Synonyms? Grin, smirk, laugh
Antonyms?  Frown, scowl, 
Why do we smile?  (many reasons including showing our emotions and trying to make others feel comfortable)
It is easy to smile?
Are all smiles happy/friendly?  (some are ironic, forced, amused, fake, show disbelief, show incredulousness,  show frustration,....)
Do all smiles make you feel comfortable?
In what situations is it bad to smile?
Do you like people who are always smiling?
Are there people you know who don't smile or rarely smile?
Do you like people who are always smiling?  Are there nasty people who always smile?
How long can you smile before you get tired?
Do you like smiles that show lots of teeth?
Have you never tried to smile at everyone you met to see what happens?
How would you feel if a stranger smiled at you?
How would you feel if a person smiled at you for a long time?
Are there people who you don't like to see smiling?
When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you.  Agree?  Disagree?
Famous smiles?  Famous smilers?

Smile Expressions
Keep smiling
Crack a smile
Wipe the silly grin off your face.
Put a smile on someone's face.
Grin from ear to ear.
Break into a smile
He was all smiles today.
He has a million dollar smile.

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