Sunday, August 26, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Art

What is Art? (For the purpose of this class, Art is what is made by man and is beautiful, appealing and very significant)

Is this Art? Show twenty photos. Ask the students if they think it is art.

Do you ever think a lot of art is not really art?

Can these activites be arts: walking, sleeping, painting, writing, designing, writing a test, scientific research, dancing, singing, acting, and shopping?

What kind of art do you like?

What effect should art have on us? Can art disgust us? Can art upset us? Can art change the way we feel?

What would the world be like without art?

Do you have art in your house? In your room? Describe it.

Are you artistic? Can anyone be an artist?

Is today a great age for art? Do you like modern art? Why? Why not?

Who are the greatest artists of all time? Who are the greatest Chinese artists of all time?

What kind of art is China famous for?

Are you an artist at your job?

Do you ever go to art galleries?

Do you think a piece of art is worth millions and millions of dollars?

Do you think all children should study art at school? Would you study art in university? Would you want your children to major in art in university? Why?

Idioms and Expressions: What do they mean?

work of art

state of the art

It's art, not a science

Art is long and life is short

have something down to a fine art

He is a master of the art of ....... (Ask the students what arts they mastered. I am a master of the art of deception)

Artsy Fartsy

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Yellow

What is yellow? What color is close to yellow? (gold)

Grammatically, yellow is what kind of word in the English language?

What comes to mind when you hear the word yellow?

What does yellow symbolize?

How does yellow make you feel?

You are in a yellow room? How do you feel?

Your skin is yellow? How do you feel?

Is the Yellow River yellow? Is Yellow Mountain yellow?

What things are yellow? What food is yellow?

What living things are yellow?

What natural phenomenon are yellow?

What things do you have that are yellow?

Do you like the colour yellow?

You like to wear yellow shoes, shirts, pants, hats, socks or belts?

What things should be yellow? What things shouldn't be yellow?

Is yellow the fashion? Could people have worn yellow a hundred years in China? Why? Why not? What about the 1960s in China?

Would you drive a yellow car?

When is yellow good? When is yellow bad?

Compare yellow to other colours.

What superlatives can be made about the colour yellow?

Expressions using the word yellow:

He has a yellow streak.

You are yellow. (ask the students if they are yellow)

He is a yellow belly. Check the yellow pages.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Walking

Walking is also called ambulation

What is it? How is it different from running or jogging?

What images come to mind when you hear the word walking?

Do you like walking? Why? Do you wish you could walk everywhere.

When you do like to take a walk?

Is walking a fun activity?

Best place in Wuxi to go walking? Best place in China? The ideal place to walk?

Do you like walking on mountains, on hills, in forests, by the seaside, in the city?

A place you would like to walk?

A place you hate walking? The worst place to take a walk?

Different styles of walking. How do you walk when you are happy, sad, angry? Do boys and girls walk in the same style?

Do you think about how you walk?

Who do you like to watch walking?

What is the furthest you have walked? What is the longest walk you have taken?

Who do you like to walk with?

Do you like to carry things when you walk?

What tools can help us walk?

Is it okay to walk with your hands in your pocket?

When you walk do you look straight ahead or do you look at the ground?

Who can you hold hands with when you walk?


Walking with his head held high.

Walk all over another person.

walk in another man's shoes.

You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

Walk a thin line.

Walk a tightrope.

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time?

Walk right up to.

Walk into.

Take a long walk off a short pier.

People from all walks of life

Walk on air.