Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canada Day ESL Discussion Questions

What comes to mind when you hear "Canada"?

What is the weather like in Canada now?

How old is Canada?

What do you want to know about Canada?

What do you think of Canada?  Canadians?

Is Canada an important country on the world?  What has Canada done for the world?

Do you want to move to Canada?  Why?

How are Canadians different from Americans, English, and Australians?

Have you heard of Eskimos and Aboriginals?

Do you want to live in Canada?  Why?  Why not?

Are Canadians and Americans alike? How do they differ?

What does this mean:  "How's it going eh?" 

How are Canada and China similar?

Can you name ten famous Canadians?

Can you name ten places in Canada?

Can you name ten Canadian things?

What are symbols of Canada?

Which is Canadian?  Which isn't?  Jim Carrey, Kangaroos, Penguins, Igloos, Keifer Sutherland, Texas, Prince Edward Island, Minneapolis, North Dakota, Winnipeg, Winnetonka, Medicine Hat, Minnesota, Beavers, Moose, Tigers, Ice Hockey, and Elephants. 

Match up these expressions (Two-Four, Double-Double, Hoser, Loonie, Washroom, Pop, Chocolate Bar, Keener, Mickey, eh) with the definitions (W.C., Beer Package, Cream and Sugar,  Weak Person, hard worker, One dollar coin, Soda, Sweet Food,  and Bottle of hard liquor)

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