Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cleaning the House ESL Discussion Questions

Cleaning the House

What is the difference between clean and neat?

Do you clean the house or your room?  Why?  Why not?  How often do you clean?  How often should we clean the house?
Who does the cleaning in your house?
Are you good at cleaning?
Do you like cleaning?  Rate it on a scale of one to ten.
Is cleaning hard?  Why?  Why not?
Do you like a clean house?
Does dirt or messiness bother you?
How clean is your house now?  Rate it on a scale of one to ten.  Could I come to see now?  Or should I wait for you to tidy it up?
Are most houses in Wuxi clean?
Is your home neat and clean? Just neat?  Just clean?  Are the things in your house well-organized?  Is there a lot of clutter in your house?
Are you a slob?  Do you know any slobs?  How dirty and messy are they?
Are you a neat freak?  Do you know any neat freaks?  How crazy are they about cleanliness?
Who is better at cleaning?  Men or Women?  Boys or Girls?

Cleaning tools:  mop, broom, rag, vacuum cleaner, pail, brush, dust pan, sponge, duster, garbage bag (Do you use?)
Cleaning materials:  water, soap, detergents, sprays, vinegar, bleach, stain remover, deodorizer  (What do you use to clean your house?)
Cleaning verbs: scrub, mop, sweep, wipe, dust, polish (get the students to use the verbs in sentences.  Also ask:  What do you _______?)
What do you do about bad odors?
What do you do about dust?
What do you do about clutter?
What do you do about stains?
Do you clean the hidden areas in your house?  Why?  Why not?
How do you clean the floor?
How do you clean the bathroom?
Do you have any cleaning tips?

Cleanliness is next to godliness.
Clean as a whistle.
You could eat off her floors.
His room is a pig sty.

1 comment:

mike larue said...

Great blog! I have been an avid reader of blogs online and as I stumbled upon I was very thankful as I learned new tips and ideas from you. Thanks and Keep posted!
