What is trivia? Things that are unimportant or of little value.
What is trivial? Adjective made with trivia.
Can you give examples of things that are unimportant.
What are these things unimportant?
What is the most unimportant thing people do these days?
What are some things that you think are important but others think are trivial?
What is a trivial thing you spend time on?
Is all life important or is all life trivial?
What is considered trivial in China?
Trivia games, trivia quizzes, trivia knowledge: are you interested in it? Do you like to watch these sort of games on television?
On what subject, are you a trivia expect?
What are some trivia subjects? e.g. Sports, history, animals, movie stars, numbers, news, music, math, war
Tell me some trivial facts.
e.g German won the World Cup in 1974
Brad Pitt starred in Troy.
The biggest city in Manitoba is Winnipeg.
An animal with a long neck is a giraffe.
The capital of the USA is Washington
Richard Nixon was president of the USA in 1972.
The yo-yo originated in the Philippines, where it was used as a weapon in hunting.
Months that begins with a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."
The average human's heart will beat 3000 million times in their lifetime.
There are more cars in Los Angeles than people
Have the students each write down five pieces of trivia.
Have the students each tell you one of their trivia facts.
Did you know that____________________________________?
Then have the students turn their trivia facts into questions. e.g. What is the capital of the USA?
Find some trivia questions to ask the students.
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