Friday, February 24, 2012

New York City, Nursing, Nuts and other words that start with “N”

What do you know about it?
Do you want to live there?
If you visited, what would you go see?
Is it the greatest city in the world?
Does every other city try to be like New York City?
A singer said about New York: "If I can make it there, I'd make it anywhere!"  What did he mean?
What Chinese city is China's New York?

What do nurses do?  
Do you like nurses?
Do nurses make great wives?

Do you like to eat nuts?
What nuts do you eat?
Are you nuts?  (explain the two usages of the word.)
What is the nuttiest thing you have ever seen?
What is the nuttiest thing you have ever done?
Who is the nuttiest person you know?  Famous or in your life.  Why?

Have students brainstorm other words that start with N.  Ask questions about the words.  Have the students ask questions with the words.

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