Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Mathematics


What is it?

Do you like it? Why? Why not?

Are numbers romantic? Are numbers magical?

Do you have a head for numbers?

How do you feel about Math?

Were you good at Math in school? Did you like your math teachers?

Do you have a math horror story?

If I gave you a math book, what would you do with it?

Finish this sentence: People who like math are __________________.

Is math something that only men can do? Are women good at math?

Do you use math everyday?

Are you superstitious about numbers?

What are your favourite and least-favourite numbers?

I want to be number ___________.

I want to wear number ____________.

My birthday is 12/24/64 12+24+64=100.

What do these numbers make you think of: 13,65,89,94,60,35,23,7,118,21400

Can you use an abacus?

Can you do calculations in your head?

Quantify your goals. e.g. I want to have ________ girlfriends.

Would you rather be a name or a number? Why?

Do these math problems orally: 3+3, 12-3, 8x3, 123+245, 50/2, 1/3 of 33, 3.2+1.1, 898x1, 9321+1

How many zeroes in a million.

Are there differences between Chinese Numbers and English Numbers?


You do the Math.

Back to square one.

Divide it 50-50.

Do a number on someone.

Dressed to the nines.

I feel like a million dollars

One and all.

One and only.

One in a million

Your number is up.

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