Thursday, February 23, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Noise

What is noise?  Is all sound noise?  Is all sound noisy?  Is noise a good thing or a bad thing?

What is the opposite of noise?   Which do you prefer?

Someone says that music is noise.  What do they mean?

Finish these sentences:  Noise is __________.  Noise makes me________.   Noise _________ me.
How can we describe some noises?

What noises do you hear everyday?
Where is the most noisy place in your life?
Where is the most noisy place in Wuxi?  China?  The World?
Who are the most noisy people you know?
Are noisy people rude and inconsiderate?
Is there a noise that you really can't stand?
What noises annoy you?
Is there a sound you like but others consider to be noise?
Is there a noise that you give you nightmares?  The worst noise you ever heard?
What noises will make you feel fear?
What can you do to be very noisy right now?
Can noise be a weapon?
What noises can embarrass us?

What do you do when people are making noise near you?
What do you do when your neighbours are making noise?

When is the proper time to be noisy?  Where is the proper place to be noisy?

What can we do about noise?  What can we wear to stop or reduce noise?

What effects can too much noise have on us?

Is Wuxi a noisy place?  Is Wuxi noisier than in the past?  Why?  Why not?

Noise idioms and expressions:

Empty vessels make the most noise.
Someone is making noise.
Everyone!  Let's make some noise!

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