Friday, May 20, 2011

Sweet Talk and Persuasion ESL Discussion Questions

Sweet Talk

What is sweet?  Candy, sugar, nice girls, nice things, nice moments.

What is sweet talk?  (*Talking nicely to , using flattery on, someone to persuade them to do something for you*)

What is the goal of sweet talk?  (*Seduction, compliance, getting people to do things they normally wouldn't do!*)

What things do sweet talkers say?
Is there a secret to sweet talking?  What technique is important?  
Are sweet talkers good actors?  Do they have a nice voice?  The sweet talker's method:  what is important?  The words or the method?
Can sweet talkers sound poetic?  Do you memorize poems or songs to impress or sweet talk people?
Can sweet talkers sing to their victims?
Are you a sweet talker? (to you wife)
Do you like to talk sweet?
Can you sweet talk people who are angry at you?
Can you be sweet talked? (by your husband) (by your boss)
Can you be sweet talked if you are angry?  Have people tried to do this?
Why can some people be sweet talked?
Can you be sweet talked by someone you don't know?
Who is the best sweet talker you know?
What professions require sweet talking?
Can you sweet talk your boss?  Do Chinese bosses like their workers to flatter them?
Who is the most famous sweet talker of all-time?
Which sex does most of the sweet talking?
Are sweet talkers good people?  Can they be trusted?  Can they be thought of scam artists?
Do you like people who are blunt with you?  Can you take criticism?
Flattery will get you nowhere!  What does that mean?

How to sweet talk:

A policeman?
A shop keeper?
A bus driver?
A taxi driver?
A member of the opposite sex?
Your mother or father?
Your child?
A bank clerk?
A beggar?
A rich man?
A teacher?
Your subordinate?

Sweet talking is about persuasion.  How do you persuade people to do things you want them to do for you?  Can you persuade them without money?

Who have you persuaded to do something recently?

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