Saturday, May 14, 2011

Karaoke, KTV, Singing, and Performing ESL discussion questions

What is Karaoke?Is it a Japanese invention?  Is it popular in China?
How long has KTV been in China?

Do you like to go to KTV?  Why?  Why not?
How often do you go to the KTV?  Who do you go with?
Which KTV do you go to?  
Are there cheap and expensive KTVs?  How do they differ?
What is the best sized group for KTV?
What songs do you sing?  What is the most popular song for KTV in China?
Do you take your KTV seriously?  Do you practice?  Do you drink special fluids for your throat?
Can you dance at KTV?
Can you change the song lyrics?
Can you enter a KTV competition?
Do you sing English songs in KTV?

Are you a good singer?
Is there a trained singer in the class?
Have you ever performed in public?  Have you performed for a big audience?
Do you have pop star dreams?
Do you hum or sing songs as you go through your day?
Do you sing in the shower?
Do you have a song on your mind that you always want to sing?
Are there pop songs that you like but you don't know the lyrics to?  Songs you do know the lyrics to?  Which one?
Do pop songs lyrics become mistaken by the listener?
Do you like to break into song for no reason?
Do you wish life could be a musical?
What activities could be improved by singing?

Do you like dancing?
Do you like going to clubs to dance?
Do you dance when you listen to music?
Who are some famous dancers?
Did you learn to dance in schools?

Explain air guitar
Do you listen to music and play an "air instrument"?  
What "air instrument" do you like to play?
Do you listen to pop songs and play an "air instrument"?

Have you ever performed for an audience?
Have you ever acted in a play for an audience?
Have you ever made presentations for large audiences?
Do you feel comfortable performing?
Why are so many scared of performing in public?

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