Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Museum Discussion Questions


What are they?
What comes to mind when you hear the word museum?
Do you go to them?  Why?  Why not?
Do you go to museums by yourself?
What is the first museum you ever went to?
What do you like about museums?  What do you hate?
Can museums teach you anything?  Are they useful?
What museums have you gone to?  What did you see?  What was the best museum you went to?
What are the most famous museums in China?  Wuxi?
What museums would you like to go?
What famous world museum would you like to see?
Do you prefer history or nature or art museums?  Why?
Have you been to a strange museum?
Have you ever been to an interactive museum?
Can you touch things at a museum?

If there was a museum about your life, what would you put in it?
What do you think would be a good museum to start?
What makes a museum good?  Bad?  Boring?

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