Saturday, March 19, 2011

Discussion Questions about Test or Examinations.

Tests (or exams)
What are they?  Do you like tests?  What is your favorite kind of test?  What kind of tests do you wish you could take?  What is the best kind of test?

The teacher says "we are having test today!"  How do you feel?

Test verbs:  write, pass, fail, take, cheat, ace, cram  (Have you done these?)

Do the tests stop with school?  Is every day a test?  Is every moment of your life a test?

What was you worst test moment?  What was your best?  What was the hardest test you ever took?

What is the hardest test in life?

Does being good at school tests mean you are good at life, love, and business?  How important are tests in China?

Do tests help you learn?  Do tests help you improve?  Do teachers teach to the test?

How do you feel when someone says "this is a test"?

Could we live without tests?

Are most tests: fill in the blank, essay, or multiple choice?

What do you want to do when you make a test for others to take?  

Do you like tests of strength?  What is a good test of strength?

What is a good test of character?

What is a good test of intelligence?  (I.Q. Test)

What is a good test of endurance?

What is a good test of honesty?

What is a good test of your love for another person?

What is a good test of your love for your country?

Give examples of how we test things (not people)?  e.g. Test a battery.

To the adults in the class:  Could you now pass the tests your wrote in school?
To the students in the class:  Could you pass the test you wrote three months ago?

Put someone to the test.
It stands the test of time.
Let's test this thing out!
Tried, tested .and true.
Litmus Test  something that shows clearly what someone's opinions or intentions are
Acid Test  a test which will really prove the value, quality, or truth of something 
He will test the waters.
You need your head examined.
You passed with flying colors.

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