Saturday, March 12, 2011

Discussion Questions about Soldiers and Military Life


What are they?  What do they do?  What are their jobs and duties?

Does anyone have military experience?  Tell me about it? Do you relatives have military experience?  Are any of your relatives veterans of war?  Do they tell you some "war" stories?

Do you want to be a soldier?  Why?  Why not?  What would be fun about being a soldier?  What would you hate about it?  Can being in the military be a good job? Are soldiers well-paid?  Do you know people who want to be in the Army?  (have you known?)  Do you think those people are crazy?  What kind of people make the best soldiers?

Soldiers have to be disciplined.  Why?

Soldiers have to march.  Why?  Have you marched in formation?  Do you like watching soldiers parade?

Soldiers have to have rank.  Why?  Anybody has a rank?  What are some examples of ranks?

Soldiers fire guns.  Have you?  What kind do you want to try?

Soldiers do group exercises.  Have you?

Soldiers ride or drive in vehicles.  Have you?  What military vehicles can you name?  Which ones do you think are cool?  Which ones would you like to ride or drive in?  Do you think fighter pilots are cool?

Soldiers have to wear uniforms.  Why?  Do you think uniforms are cool?  Do you admire people who wear military uniforms?  Have you worn any uniforms?  Why do soldiers wear green or brown uniforms?

What kind of military personnel are there?  (Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines)  Which "branch" would you like to be in?

Do you think everyone should spend a year in the Army?  Why?  Why not?  Do you want your children to be in the military?  Should women be in the military?  Can women be in the same units as men?  How old should soldiers be?

Are veterans treated well?  Is there a day to honour veterans in China?

Who is the greatest Chinese soldier of all-time?

Do you think there will be a time when we don't need soldiers?  Is there anything worth being killed for?  Is war ever justified?

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