Thursday, March 10, 2011

Discussion Questions about Silence

What is it? 

Other words for Silence?  (quiet, reticence, taciturn, tranquility, serenity, muteness)  Opposites?  (Noise, Din)

What comes to mind when you think of silence?

Pros and Cons of silence?  Do you like silence?

Is it better to be thought of reticent or talkative?  Do you like reticent people?  Do people think you are quiet or reticent?  Who is the most reticent person you know?

How long can you be silent?  Can you remember the longest you went without talking?

Do you feel comfortable when you are with others and everyone is silent?  Have you experienced an awkward silence?

Do you sometimes find yourself talking just to "break the silence"?

Should Lovers, Friends, Family, Spouses always be talking?

"Silence is golden"   Agree?  "Silence is boring"   Agree?

"The sounds of silence"  What can that possibly mean?  What about "the silence was deafening"?   What would it be like to be deaf?  Do deaf people miss music?  What would you miss most if you were deaf?  

How can you use silence as a weapon?

What does it mean to have "a moment of silence"?  When are the times we should be silent?

Do you like watching silent films?

What can we do to communicate if we must be silent?

Where do you go if you want silence?   Is this easy to do in China?  Or do you have to plug your ears?

What places should we be silent?  What occasions should we be silent?

Do you need to get the last word in?  Can you reduce people to silence?

"Silence means agreement."  Agree?  Disagree?

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