Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Smells

What is smell? What images come to mind when you hear the word smell?

What are some other words for smell? Odour. Sniff.

What does this sentence mean? He smells awful.

What do these sentences mean? My dog has no nose. How does he smell? Awful.

What does this sentence mean? He is smelly.

What does this mean? The man smells.

What does this mean? I can't smell. I have a cold.

What do we smell with?

Do you have a good sense of smell? Do you wish you didn't have a sense of smell?

What can you smell right now?

What smells good to us? What has a good smell?

What is your favorite smell?

What are your favourite smells? (Have the students tell you five smells they like)

What do you do to make yourself smell better?

Do you worry about how you smell?

What words can we use to describe good smells or things that smell good?

Do you like the smell of Wuxi, Perfume, the W.C., lake Taihu, the countryside, dogs, cats, pigs, computers, flowers, apples, oranges, your fridge, your bathroom, your bedroom?

Is there food you like the taste of but not the smell?

What smells bad? (breath, feet)

If it smells bad, we say it __________ (stinks, reeks)

What smell do you hate the most?

What smells do you hate the most?

What kind of smells can make you sick?

Why do some people smell bad?

What makes people smell bad?

Are there smells that remind you of your past?

Can you go into a room and tell what kind of person lives there by the smell?

Are there old people smells?

Expressions using smell

I don't like the smell of this.

I smell something fishy.

I smell a rat.

He came out smelling like a rose.

He smells blood.

It stinks to high heaven.

Wake up and smell the coffee!!

He has bad b.o.

Scratch and sniff.

The sweet smell of success.

The dog will sniff it out.

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