Thursday, March 15, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Quarreling

What is it?

We can also call Quarrels: spats, fights, arguments, disagreements,.....

How often do you quarrel? Are you a quarreller? Do you know someone who always seems to be quarrelling?

What do you quarrel about? What do many people quarrel about?

Who do you quarrel with? Is there someone you are always quarrelling with? Do you know a quarrelsome person?  At what age are people most quarrelsome?

Do you win or lose your quarrels?

Are you more likely to quarrel with people you know or strangers?

Are there people who are scared to quarrel with? Why?

Do you like to quarrel? Why? Why not? Is quarrelling fun? Do you do a silly sort of quarrelling?

Who do you like to quarrel with?

Is there good quarrelling and bad quarrelling?
Should quarrels be public or private?

Do you like to watch public quarrels?

Have you seen a quarrel recently? What happened? What were they quarrelling about? How was it resolved? Did the quarrellers come to blows?

Where do you see people often quarrelling?

When husbands and wives quarrel, who wins? What do they quarrel about?

When parents and children quarrel, who wins? What do they quarrel about?

Who quarrels more? Men or women?

What can you do to win a quarrel? What are some good quarrelling tactics? Does screaming and shouting help you win a quarrel? Does hitting help you win a quarrel? Is it better to act calmly? What about being silent?

You know you have won the quarrel when ______________________________.

Is there too much quarrelling in the world? Does quarrelling improve a situation?

Have you ever tried to be the peacemaker in a quarrel?

If you two friends are quarrelling, what will you do?

If your parents are quarrelling, what will you do?

Quarrel Expressions and Idioms

It takes two to make a quarrel. (This means a quarrel is usually both person's fault)

Patch up a quarrel.

To pick a quarrel

To quarrel over something (People often quarrel over _________.)

To quarrel with something (I can't quarrel with what you say. I can't quarrel with lunch at Grandma's. Does anyone want to quarrel with what I just said?)

He has a quarrel with the world.

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