Thursday, March 1, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Old Age

Old Age

At what age do people become old?
Is being old a quantity or a quality?
Other words for old people:  seniors, retirees, grandparents, old codgers, 
Finish this sentence:  Old age is ______________.
What is it like to be old?  What do old people want?  What do they like?  What do they hate?  How do old people feel?  How will they look at the world?  Do they prefer to hang out with other older people or with young people?
Finish this sentence:  Old People are ___________. (wise, experienced, et cetra)
Are old people useful?  What do old people do for Society?  For You?
Are old people respected?
Are old people out-of-touch?
Are old people out-of-fashion?
Are old people scary?
Are old people boring?
Are old people lonely?
Are old people jealous of young people?
Do old people think all young people are foolish?
Are some old people crazy?  Do you know any?
Do you like the way old people dress?
Do you hang out with old people?  Do you hang out with old people who aren't your grandparents?  Who are the old people you know?  Do these old people have lots of stories to tell you?  Are you curious to hear their stories of the old China?  What stories have they told you?
What do these old people do everyday?
What are some things that old people do that you don't like?
Do you agree with the mandatory retirement age in China?  Will it have to be raised in the future?
Do you think old people enjoy being old?
Are you looking forward to being old?
Who looks after old people?  Will you be looking after your parents when they grow old?  When you are old, do you want your child to look after you?  Would you like to live in a care home with other people your age?
What kind of old person do you want to be?
How long do you want to live?
Some old people are curmudgeons.   That is, they are cranky and hate new things.  Do you know any curmudgeonly old persons?
Do you think Old people like the China of 2012?  Do they prefer the older China?
Do old people in China use the Internet, Ipads, mobile phones?  Do they play video games?  Do you think you will play video games when you get old?
Do old people drive cars?  Should they drive cars?
China's top leaders are old.  Is this a good thing?  Should younger people, below 50, be at the top?

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