Friday, August 12, 2011

ESL Discussion Questions: Islands


What are they?

Can you tell me some famous ones?

Do you live on an island?

Have you lived/stayed on an island?  When?  Where?  How was it?

Does your local area have islands?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of living on an island?

What does an island need for you to live on it?

How big should your island be?

What to you want to surround your island?  Deep water?

Who do you want to live with on your island?  (A famous you would want to have on your island?)  (What occupation would be most useful on a desert island?)

An island no one lives on is ___________.  (deserted)
What thing(s) would you bring with you to a desert island?

Famous Island Stories:  Robinson Crusoe, Castaway, Lost, Gilligan's Island

Can people be like islands?  Are people like islands when they are in public? (they wear ear phones and pay no attention to their surroundings.  Is this a good thing for society?)

Island expressions
No man is an island unto himself.
Maroon someone on an island.

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