Thursday, January 27, 2011

Discussion Questions about the Moon and Satellites

  1. The Moon Discussion Questions

Have you thought about the moon today?  Why?  Why not?
When was the last time you looked at the Moon?  Do you like looking at the Moon?
What do you see when you look at the moon?
What does the word "Moon" make you think of?
The moon is Earth's ___________
The moon is a symbol of what?
Why do the Chinese use the lunar calendar?
Are there Chinese characters living on the moon?
How does the moon affect our lives?
What would happen if there were moon?
Do you want to visit the Moon?  What would you when you went?
What is a good name for a moon base?
Will there one day, be a KFC on the moon?
What do you like to do in the moonlight?
Do you think China will put a man on the moon?
Do you believe they put a man on the moon?
Who does the moon belong to?
Is the Moon romantic?
Does a full moon make people act crazy?
Finish this sentence  When the moon is in the sky,_____________________.
Have you heard stories of people turning into Monsters during the Full Moon?
Do you know what it means to "moon someone"?  

What do these Idioms mean?
Ask for the moon.
Promise the moon.
Once in a blue moon.
think someone hung the moon.
Reach for the moon.
Many moons ago.
I was over the moon.

What are Satellites?  Orbiting objects.
What is the most famous satellite?
What is a satellite country?  Does China have satellites?
What kind of satellites are made by man?  What use are they to us?
Would you like to live on a satellite?

What does in mean to orbit something?  Who orbits around you?  Who do you orbit around.
Someone goes into orbit.  What does this idiom mean?

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