Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year's Eve English Corner Plan

2010: A retrospective English Corner

How was 2010 for you?  Was it a good year or a bad year?  Why?
Was it a good year for China?  For Wuxi?
What will you never forget about 2010?  What would you like to forget about 2010?

Who was the person of  2010 in your life?  Did you lose any friends or relatives in the past year?

Finish this sentence:  In 2010, I ______________________  for the first time.
Or  2010 was the first year I ever___________________.
In 2010,______________________________.

Who was the most famous person in the news from 2010?
Who would be your man of the year?  Woman of the year?  Sportsman of the year?
In 2009, did you make resolutions for 2010?  What were they?  Did you follow through with your resolutions?   Did 2010 go as planned for you?
What was the most important or best date of 2010 for you? (e.g. Wedding, Births, 9/11 type event)

2010 Events Quiz
What famous golfer was disgraced when it was found out he was a playboy?
What American Political Party did well in 2010 elections?  
Which team won the World Cup?  Which team came in third place?
This team won the NBA championship?  Who did they beat in the finals?
This player made a lot of enemies of changing teams.  Who is he?
This island country was hit by a massive earthquake.
In January 2010, Apple unveiled this new gadget.
This car company had to recall calls for pedal trouble.
The Winter Olympics were held here.
What country's president was killed in a plane crash in Russia?
This Company has an oilwell explosion.
This man became PM of Great Britain.  (David Cameron)
This man is famous for wikileaks.
Miners were rescued in this country.

New's Year Countdown
Sing auld sang syne!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear, 
for auld lang syne, 
we'll take a cup of kindness yet, 
for auld lang syne.

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