Monday, December 13, 2010

Discussion Questions about Villains

You can use these in an English Corner:

What is a villain?
Other words for villain? Bad Guy, Heavy, Black Hat. Chinese words for villain?
A female villain is sometimes called a villainess. Are there more villains or villainesses
Will everyone think a person is a villain?
Who do we agree are villains?
Who may we say are not villains?
Do you know any villains? Who are the villains in your life? Does anyone think you are a villain? Have you ever felt yourself to be a villain?
Can you tell me some famous villains from history or stories? movies. t.v.
Mad Scientist. Evil Genius.
Famous acts of villainy?
Are these famous Chinese villains?
Who do the Chinese think are villains?
Are there villains in school?
Who are some famous foreign villains?
What do villains do?
Robin Hood: steal from the rich, give to the poor. villain?
The WikiLeaks man? villain?
What is the opposite of a villain? A saint. A good guy.
How do villains dress? What color clothes do they wear?
What do the good guys wear?
What body movements do villains make?
How do villains smile?
How do villains laugh?
How do villains look?
Are villains more interesting than good guys? Do you have a favorite villain?
Are we fascinated with villains? why?
Who is your favorite good guy from films and t.v.?

Villian idioms
He is the villain of the piece.

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