Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring discussion questions and idioms.


What is it?   What does "spring" mean as a verb?
When you think of spring what words or images pop into your mind?
What does spring symbolize?
Finish this sentence:  Spring is _________________.
How is spring in Wuxi?  In your hometown?   What is spring like in a cold climate?
What do you like about spring?  What do you hate about spring?
Do you wish everyday was a spring day?
Is spring a romantic time?
What are some springtime activities?
How was spring when you were young?
Is spring your favorite season?
What memories do you have of spring?
Is spring a time to do some cleaning?
How do we dress for spring?
What do farmers do in spring?
What do animals do in spring?
What do students do in spring?

He is no spring chicken.
Hope springs eternal
Nothing springs to mind
He sprung into action
Now, he springs to life.
Spring to attention everyone!
He sprung out of no where.
The Tiger sprung out to me

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