Friday, April 8, 2011

ESL Discussion Questions about Pride

Pride, to take pride, to have pride, to be proud

What is pride?  What does it mean to be proud? (To have a high opinion of one's self or one's things.   Also, something that causes someone to be proud — He is the pride of his country.)

Synonyms:  conceit, self-esteem, egotism, vanity, vainglory

Is it a good thing to feel pride?  Is pride a sin?

What things can we be proud of?  What things can we take pride in doing?

Do we have to declare our pride?  Or can we privately enjoy it?

What things shouldn't we be proud of?  Can we have too much pride?  What do we call people with too much pride?  (*Egotistical, arrogant*)

Do you know any egotistical or arrogant people?  Who is famous for being this way?

What is the opposite of arrogant or egotistical?  (*humble, modest*)  Do you know people who are good and modest?

Are you too proud to ask others for help or to admit you are wrong?

Can we take pride in our good luck?  Country? City? Heritage?  Our children?  Our work?  Our material possessions?

Ten things of which we can all be proud.

Ten things of which you are proud.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?   Are you a source of pride to your parents?

What famous person in the world could take the most pride in something?


Burst with pride
Pride and joy
Pride goes before the fall
Pride oneself on something
Swallow one's pride
Take pride in something

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