Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ESL Discussion Questions & Idioms about Legs (Revised)


What are they? Limbs? Why do we have them?

There are legs on people and animals. Where else can we see legs? (On tables and stools)

What can we do with our legs? Walk, move, run, kick, jog, amble, sprint, dance, traipse, limp, hop, skip, jump, march, step, make footprints, wear leggings, knee people, climb stairs, press foot pedals, apply the brake, move pedals on bicycle, lift.....

What is you favourite thing to do with your legs?

What tricks can you do with your legs?

How many do you have? Do you wish you had more legs? What would you do if you had extra legs.

What are some parts of the leg? Feet, knees, thighs, calves, shin, hips, ankles, toes, heel.

Are legs or arms more important?

Do you like your legs? How would you describe your legs?

Do you think you have good-looking legs?

She has shapely legs. What does this mean?

Who has better looking legs? Men or Women? Why?

Ladies! Do you want your husband to have nice looking legs? What do women want male legs to look like?

Guys! Do you want your wife to have nice looking legs? What do men want female legs to look like?

Who has the most beautiful legs?

Who has the most famous legs? Whose legs would be insured for lots of money?

In what occupations, are your legs important?

Finish this sentence: Good-looking legs are ________________.

What can we do to make our legs look better?

Should men shave their legs?

Do women's legs look better when they wear high heel shoes?

Do you cross your legs? Is it okay for men to cross their legs? Why do women cross their legs?

Have you ever hurt your legs? Have you broken your leg?

Do you get leg cramps? What do you do if you have leg cramps?

You must choose between having only legs or having only arms? Which would you choose? Why?

A famous song called "Legs" says the following: She has got legs. She knows how to use them. What do you think that means?

Idioms (What do you think they mean?)

He has a leg up on me. (advantage)

Break a leg! (good luck!)

The machine is on its last legs.

It is going to cost you an arm and a leg.

You are pulling my leg!

Shake a leg! (a command to move or move faster)

It is the first leg of our trip.

After we robbed the bank, we had to leg it.

He doesn't have a leg to stand on. (you have no case or no proof)

This idea has legs.

I need to get out of the car and stretch me legs.

The man walked away with his tail between his legs. (he was embarrassed or full of shame)

Nice Legs. Shame about her face.

He puts his pants on, one leg at a time. (Ask students if they put their legs on, one pant at a time)

1 comment:

Tami said...

This is cool!! I am an ESL teacher too. I am not in China now, but I worked in China from 2009-2011. I worked near Hangzhou my first year. Then, I worked in Changzhou my second year.

I loved Wuxi. A great city! Hope all is well over there. The pig thing and the bird flu thing look a bit scary.