Friday, January 11, 2013

ESL Discussion Questions about Baldness

What does bald mean? An absence or a lack of hair.

What does the word baldness mean? A state of being bald.

What does balding mean? The process of becoming bald or losing hair.

Is baldness a bad thing? Why? Why not?

Women! What do you think of bald men?

Men! What do you think of bald men? Are you afraid of going bald?

Men! Are you going bald? Do you have a receding hairline?

When can baldness be attractive? When can it be unattractive?

What are some patterns of baldness? Which are attractive? Which are not?

What do you think of people with long hair and a bald spot?

What are some causes of baldness?

Are the following causes of baldness? Your mother's father was bald (i.e. You inherited from you family. Does baldness run in your family?); weight training and exercise; intellectual activity (are bald people smarter. Pointy-head intellectual) psychological problems; emotional stress; tight hats

What can we do about baldness?

Comb-overs, eat special food, rub potions in our bald spots, wear wigs, wear toupees, wear hats, shave our head, grow our hair really long, nothing

What are some advantages of being bald?

Are bald man smarter? More virile?

Do/did you have balding classmates or colleagues? How did/do you treat them?

Do you have nicknames for balding people?

Is your partner bald? What will you do if you partner is going bald? Tell him to wear a hat? Get a divorce?

What did the ancient Chinese think about balding and bald people? What do the modern Chinese think?

Who are some famous bald people? Gandhi and Chang Kai Shek.

What do the following expressions mean?

Bald as a baby's bum.

Bald as a cue ball.

He is completely bald.

That was a bald-faced lie!

Balding is a sign of ageing? What are some others? Wrinkles, grey hair, sagging skin, and deteriorating eyesight, sore bones, all sorts of body aches

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