Friday, December 21, 2012

ESL Discussion Questions about Peace & World Peace

World Peace

What is peace? What does peace mean to you? Is it important? Do you want peace or money? Peace or love? Peace or an Iphone? Peace or chocolate?

What is peaceful?

Where can you go to have some peace & quiet? What parts of the world have peace? Is China peaceful? Is your school a peaceful place?

What does it mean to have peace of mind or inner peace? Do you have them now?

What are some synonyms for peace & quiet? Calm, tranquility,....

What are some symbols of peace? What is the color of peace? What are the gestures?

What can you do to create a peaceful and quiet atmosphere?

Are you a peaceful person? Are you a pacifist? Are you a peacemaker?

Do you believe in pacifism? Is pacifism a realistic posture to hold?

Who are more peaceful? Men or women? Adults or children? Boys or girls? Religious people or atheists? Poor or Rich?

Is there peace in your life? Are you at peace with your neighbour? Your workmates? Your classmates? Is there peace in your family?

Who is the most peaceful person you know?

What images come to mind when you hear the world peace?

What is the opposite of peace? Conflict, war, violence,...

Will we ever have world peace?

Why does it seem so hard to get world peace?

Can we ever achieve a permanent peace?

How would we be able to achieve it? No guns? No armies? World government? The destruction of bad people? Mutually Assured Destruction? Wealth for everyone? Religion?

Can people ever be at peace with each other? Why? Why not?

Is world peace an important issue for the world?

Would world peace mean the end of quarreling?

Do you become excited when they say there is going to be a peace conference?

Did Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

Wars are about peace? Agree? Disagree?

What do these expressions mean?

Rest in Peace

I want some peace & quiet

Make Love Not War

Give Peace a Chance

Keep in peace

Leave the peace

A peace offering

If you want peace, you must prepare for war

At peace with the world

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