Thursday, October 13, 2011

ESL Discussion Questions about Admiration


Use the words admire, admiration, admiringly, and to admire in sentences.

Is admiration love?

Is admiration respect?

Is admiration envy?

Is admiration only love? Is admiration only respect?

Can you admire a person and not love them?

Can you admire and envy a person? Can you admire a person and by jealous?

Can you admire bad people?

Can we admire all successful people? Are some successful people scoundrels?

Can you admire an ability someone has?

Can you admire a quality a person has?

If you admire a girl's beauty does that mean you want to have a
romance with them?

Can a married man admire the beauty of a woman who is not his wife?

Can a married woman admire the handsomeness of a man who is not her husband?

What things do you think we can admire people for?

Can you admire your children?

Who do you admire in your life?

Who is a famous person you admire?

If we don't admire people, we __________ them. (*despise, pity, feel
contempt for*)

Are there people you don't admire why?

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