Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 ESL Discussion Questions

Do you remember where you were when you first heard the news about the September 11, 2011 attacks?

What happened that day? How many planes were hijacked? How were the planes hijacked? What was done with the hijacked planes? What happened to each hijacked plane?

What image will you never forget about the attacks?

Why were the planes hijacked? What were the motives of the hijackers? Who was ultimately responsible? How did the hijackers get into America? What were the hijackers doing in America before the attacks happened?

Did America deserve to be attacked in this manner? Is America a good country or a bad country? Why?

Is America good for the world? Why? Why not?

Do most people love, like, or hate America? Why is this?

What did America do in response to the attacks? Was America right to respond to the attacks?

Was 9/11 caused by religion?

Were the 9/11 attackers brave or courageous?

How has the world changed since the 9/11 attacks?

Did the terrorists win?

Has 9/11 affected China in any way?

Will air travel ever be convenient again?

Will terrorism ever be stopped?

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