Thursday, July 14, 2011

ESL Discussion questions about Bosses

What are bosses?  Are you a boss?  Do you want to be a boss?  Do you hate being a boss?

What can bosses also be called?  Supervisors, leaders, managers, the man, CEO, General, the man in charge et  cetera.

Do you like your current boss?  Why?  Why not?

Tell me about bosses you have had.  Were they good or bad bosses?
Finish these sentences:
Good Bosses are_________.
Bad Bosses are___________.

Are you a good boss?  Do you think you could be a good boss?  Why?  Why not?

Are you your own boss?

Are you a bossy personality type?  How do you feel when you meet bossy people?
It is good to be thought of as bossy?
Are women more bossy than men?
Do you have bossy co-workers or classmates?  Tell me about them.
Do you have bossy customers.  Have you seen bossy customers in stores or restaurants?
Finish this sentence bossy people are ____________.
Are bossy people rude or over bearing?

Do you like to boss people around?  Who bosses you around?
Do your children boss you around?
Does your spouse boss you around?
Do you boss yourself around?
Do children boss adults around?

Are people born with bossiness? Or can they develop a bossy style?

Who are the most bossy people in the world?

Who is the most bossy person in history?

If you could be the big boss, what would you do?

What does it mean to "show someone who the boss is"?

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