Friday, May 27, 2011

ESL Discussion Questions about Genius

Genius SPC

Genius and Eccentricities

What is it? (1. Exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.
2. A person who is exceptionally intelligent or creative, either generally or in some particular respect: "musical genius".  )

Are you one?  Can everyone be a genius?
Is there a genius in everyone?
Is there a difference between talent and genius?
Do you want to be one?
Do you know any geniuses personally?
Who is the smartest person you know?  Is this person a genius?
Who are the famous geniuses of history?
Are these people geniuses?  Mozart, Chairman Mao, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, Obama, Confucius, Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Lady Gaga,

Is a genius a very smart person or he is superbly creative?
Are geniuses born or developed?
Can anyone be a genius if he works hard enough?
Can testing measure genius?
Can eating special food make us smarter?
Geniuses are said to be eccentric?  Are you eccentric?
No great genius ever existed without some touch of madness.  Agree or Disagree?

He is a regular genius
He has a genius for this. (what do you have a genius for?)
Finish this sentence __________ has a genius for ____________.
He has a genius for failure.
He is a budding genius.
Your idea was a stroke of genius. (Had any strokes of genius lately?)
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains. (Are you like this?  Do you want to be? Have you spend all your hours trying to solve a problem?  Have you ever become so absorbed in your interest, you forgot everything else?)
What do you want to put all your genius into?
What do the Chinese, the Americans, the Europeans, the English, the Japanese have a genius for?

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