Thursday, April 28, 2011

Work hard or play hard? ESL Discussion Questions.

What does it mean to work hard?  What does it mean to play hard?
Do you work hard?  How hard do you work? (*Ask for proof*)  Who is the hardest worker you know?
Do you play hard?  Why?  Why not?  Do you know people who play hard?
Westerners live to play.  The Chinese live to work.  Agree?  Disagree?
Do you wish you could play as hard as you work?
Do some people take their leisure as hard as their work?  Do they spend all their extra money and time on a side-interest?
Is the "real you" the person who plays or the person who works?
Does you work define you?  Does it tells us who you are?  Does your work show your interests and beliefs?
Do you think people are born to work or born to play?
Does play stop at the end of childhood?  Can adults play?
Does growing older change your feelings about work?  About play?
Can playing video games make us better people?
Does playing sports make us better workers?
Does routine work make us better people?
Does learning a language make us a better person?
Do you study things for interest?  What do you want to study for interest?
Do you like to talk about your work in your leisure time?  Do you hate to talk "shop"?
Volunteering?  Do you think it is important to volunteer in your free time?  (*Talk about Canadian and American traditions of volunteerism and service clubs.*)
Do you like to talk about your leisure in your work time?
Do you think about what you will do in your free time while you work?
Do you think workers should get together while not working?  Do you prefer to have friends who don't work with you?
Is your job your source of friends and acquaintances?
Do you keep work and play separate?
Are there some jobs that require not having a leisure life?
Does the mobile phone make it hard to separate work and play?
Does being a parent mean no free time for yourself?
Should every parent have a hour for himself or herself each day?
Do you have goals that aren't career goals?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Discussion Questions about Fridges and Cupboards

Cupboards and Fridges

What is a cupboard or pantry?
What is a refrigerator or fridge or freezer?
What would life be like without a fridge?  How would we preserve food?
Do all households in China have a fridge?
How long does meat, fruit, vegetables, canned food, frozen food keep?

Do you have enough cupboard space?  Do you have a big enough fridge?
Where is your fridge?

Do you have enough food in your cupboard or fridge?  How many weeks supply of food do you have?  Do you like to stockpile food or buy when you need?
I always run out of ____________..  Do you sometimes come home to an empty fridge?  What do you then?
What does this mean:  the cupboard is bare?

Where do you keep your : drinks: rice, meat, fish, vegetables,  leftover food, plates, pots, cutlery?

When you arrive home, do you come home to an empty fridge?

Do you ever do a late night pantry/fridge raid?  Are pests a problem in your cupboard?

What happens if you leave the fridge door open?

Do you unplug your fridge to save electricity?

How often do you clean your freezer?

What happens you lean a fridge on its side?  Why should a fridge always be upright?

What happens to old fridges in China?

Do you have a large freezer?

Do you have an ice maker?   Do you use ice?

What's in your cupboard?
What's in your fridge?
What is in your freezer?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Book discussion questions and idioms for ESL English Corner

What are they?
Verbs we use with books:  read, skim, consult, refer to, scan, 
How much reading do you do in a week?
Where do you read?  Internet, newspapers, books, magazines, signs.  Of these, what is you favorite way to read.
How many books do you read in a month?  Do you read for pleasure or self-improvement?  Do you like hard books or brain candy?  
What kind of reading do you do?  (elicit the genres: action, mystery, suspense, detective, science fiction, children's, war, non-fiction, travel, poetry, self-help, history, biography, autobiography, gothic, classic literature, modern literature)
What kinds of book are brain candy?
Is reading a beneficial activity?
Do you read as many books as you used to?  Do you go to the library or book store as much as you used?  Do you think everyone in the future will be reading books on e-book devices?
Have you read a book (not an article) on the Internet or on a electronic device?
Do you like to go to second hand book shops?
What is your favorite book?  What five books would you take with you to a desert island?
Do you have a book to recommend to others?  What book best explains China to a foreigner?
Are there books you can't put down?  What is the longest time you have sat reading a book?
What book are you reading now?  What's it about?
How do you choose the book you are going to read?
What book is at your bedside?  Do you read in bed?  Do you read before you do to sleep?
Do you like to carry books with you?
What book have you read many times over?
What is the longest book you have ever read?
What is the most read book in China?  In the west?
So many books; so little time.  Agree?
How many books have you read in your lifetime?
What do you do with the books you have read?  Do you keep them?
Do you read one book after another?  Or do you read a few books in a time period?
When you read, do you mark up the books?  Do you underline interesting passages?

Be in good books
A coffer table book
By the book
Cook the books
Don't judge a book by its cover
That's one for the books
Nose in a book
Crack a book
Throw at book at someone
He reads the good book from dawn to sunset.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ESL Discussion questions about faces.

What are they?
What does the verb Face mean?
Are Faces the most important feature or our person?  Why?  Why not?

FACE VOCABULARY (Ask questions as you list)
Eyes, eyebrows, eyelids, pupils
Nose, nostril, the bridge of one's nose
Mouth, lips
Forehead, Brow
Dimples (are visible indentations of the skin, caused by underlying flesh, that form on some people's cheeks, especially when they smile.)

Do you like your face?  Why?  Why not?
What problems can we have with our faces (pimples, moles, scars. Etc.)

What can we do with our faces?

When we look at other people's faces, what are we looking for?

What makes a face beautiful?

What does a intelligent face look like?  Dumb?  Distinguished?

Men's facial hair.  Mustaches.  Beards,  Goatees.  Do you (men) want one?  Why?  Why not?  Woman!  What do you think of male facial hair?

Glasses.  Do they make faces more attractive?

What are some things we do to our faces?  (Shave, apply makeup,et cetra)

Most famous face in history?  Most famous facial feature?  (e.g. Hitler's mustache)

Face the facts
The face that launched a thousand ships.
He fell flat on his face
Hey!  Get out of my face!
She has egg on her face.
He has a red face.
Can you keep a straight face.
It is written all over your face.
He has a good poker face.
We are going to have to face this head-on.
Stop making faces at me!
You can talk till you are blue in the face.  I won't change my mind!
He did an about face.
You are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
He has a face only a mother could love.
Look me in the face when you say that!
He put on a brave face.
Don't take what he says at face value.
I have lost face.
There he goes!  He is stuffing his face again.
He is two-faced.
I can't remember what's his face.
I am going to wipe that smile off your face.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring discussion questions and idioms.


What is it?   What does "spring" mean as a verb?
When you think of spring what words or images pop into your mind?
What does spring symbolize?
Finish this sentence:  Spring is _________________.
How is spring in Wuxi?  In your hometown?   What is spring like in a cold climate?
What do you like about spring?  What do you hate about spring?
Do you wish everyday was a spring day?
Is spring a romantic time?
What are some springtime activities?
How was spring when you were young?
Is spring your favorite season?
What memories do you have of spring?
Is spring a time to do some cleaning?
How do we dress for spring?
What do farmers do in spring?
What do animals do in spring?
What do students do in spring?

He is no spring chicken.
Hope springs eternal
Nothing springs to mind
He sprung into action
Now, he springs to life.
Spring to attention everyone!
He sprung out of no where.
The Tiger sprung out to me

Friday, April 15, 2011

ESL Discussion questions about lizards and reptiles

Lizards (Reptiles)

What are they?  Lizards are a kind of reptile.  They are four legged, long, and have tails.  Reptiles are animals in the (Linnaean) class Reptilia. They are characterized by breathing air, laying shelled eggs(except of some snakes called vipers that give live birth), and having skin covered in scales and/or scutes. Reptiles are classically viewed as having a "cold-blooded" metabolism. They are tetrapods (either having four limbs or being descended from four-limbed ancestors). Modern reptiles inhabit every continent with the exception of Antarctica

Do you want to be a lizard or a reptile?   What reptile would you like to be?  Women!  Do you wish you could lay eggs?

Do you think lizards or reptiles have a good life?

Are these many lizards or reptiles in Wuxi?  Will they go into people's homes?  What relationship do lizards have with humans? (*harmless*)  How are lizards helpful to humans?

What would you do if you saw a lizard in your bed?   Would lizards and other reptiles make good pets?

Tell me some kinds of reptiles or lizards.  Is the Chinese dragon a lizard?  Do you have a favorite reptile?  Dinosaurs, Turtles, Snakes, Frogs, Dragons, Chameleons, Crocodiles, Alligators

What experiences have you had with lizards or reptiles?  Have you eaten frog or turtle or snake?  How was it?

What do lizards or reptiles symbolize?  Are lizards high status animals?  Dinosaurs, Turtles, Snakes, Frogs, Dragons, Chameleons

Reptile idioms
That man is a snake in the grass.
That man is a snake oil salesman.
I like to snake along to school.
I have a frog in my throat.
He is a big frog in a small pond.
That man is a dinosaur in this office.
The boat turns turtle. (overturns)
He is like a chameleon.
He cries crocodle tears.
See you later alligator.  In a while, crocodile.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Should children fear their parents? Discussion points and questions.


Ask the students if have heard of Amy Chua the Tiger Mom.
Here are her rules:
Here are some of the things my daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to do:
• attend a sleepover
• have a playdate
• be in a school play
• complain about not being in a school play
• watch TV or play computer games
• choose their own extracurricular activities
• get any grades less than an A
• not be the #1 student in every subject except gym and drama 
• play any instrument other than the piano or violin
• not play the piano or violin
What are some rules you have for your children, or some rules your parents have for you?
Maybe mention this:
I just wasn't cut out to be a Chinese Tiger Mom. I'm more of an Irish Setter Dad. Here are some of the things my daughters, Muffin and Poppet, and my son, Buster, were never allowed to do:
• go to church or school naked
• attend a sleepover at Charlie Sheen's house
• mix Daddy a martini using sweet vermouth
• play the violin within earshot of me

Ask the students if they are tiger parents.  Ask the students if their parents are Tiger parents (or perhaps Irish Setter Dads).  Would you fear such a parent - Tiger Mom? (*What does fear mean in this case?)

Do/did you fear your parents?  Why?  How do you feel when they get mad at you?  Do you get mad at your parents?  Are you allowed to complain?  Can you say so or do you "bite your tongue"?

How should we fear our parents?

Do your children fear you?  Do you want them to fear you?

Do modern children fear their parents as much as previous generations of children feared their parents?

Should parents be strict?  Easy-going? Should parents word be the law?  Or should parents merely offer suggestions?

Do you respect your parents?  (*maybe define respect.*) Why?  Why not?  Do your children respect you? 

Can we love and fear our parents?  Why?  Can we love and not respect our parents?

(*Moving on to fear in general society...*)

Do you look at your past and now see that you should have heeded what your parents wanted?

Should workers fear their bosses?  Should students fear teachers?  Do students fear teachers?

What people in life do you fear?  Why?

Friday, April 8, 2011

ESL Discussion Questions about Pride

Pride, to take pride, to have pride, to be proud

What is pride?  What does it mean to be proud? (To have a high opinion of one's self or one's things.   Also, something that causes someone to be proud — He is the pride of his country.)

Synonyms:  conceit, self-esteem, egotism, vanity, vainglory

Is it a good thing to feel pride?  Is pride a sin?

What things can we be proud of?  What things can we take pride in doing?

Do we have to declare our pride?  Or can we privately enjoy it?

What things shouldn't we be proud of?  Can we have too much pride?  What do we call people with too much pride?  (*Egotistical, arrogant*)

Do you know any egotistical or arrogant people?  Who is famous for being this way?

What is the opposite of arrogant or egotistical?  (*humble, modest*)  Do you know people who are good and modest?

Are you too proud to ask others for help or to admit you are wrong?

Can we take pride in our good luck?  Country? City? Heritage?  Our children?  Our work?  Our material possessions?

Ten things of which we can all be proud.

Ten things of which you are proud.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?   Are you a source of pride to your parents?

What famous person in the world could take the most pride in something?


Burst with pride
Pride and joy
Pride goes before the fall
Pride oneself on something
Swallow one's pride
Take pride in something

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hair Discussion Questions

What is it?  Is it important to you?  Why?  Why not?  

Who worries more about their hair: men or women?  Why?  How often do you check your hair everyday?

Colors:  Blonde, Brunette, Redhead:  Which do your prefer?
Styles: straight, curly, long, short, medium, perm, wavy, tousled, shaved, short, crewcut, greasy, slick, combed back, spiked, shaggy.   

Do you like your hair?  Why?  Why not?  Have you changed your hairstyle over the years?  Do you feel embarrassed to look at photos of your old hair styles?  Do you ever want your hair to be longer?  Do you ever want to shave all your hair off?

How would you like your hair to look?  Which style would you prefer to have?

Who has great hair?  Friend or Celebrity.  Strange hair?

Who does your hair?  Barber, hairstylist, yourself, parents?  Do you have the same person do your hair?

Ladies.  How do you like men's hair?  Long?  Short?  What turns you off?

Guys.  How do you like women's hair?  Long?  Short?  Dyed?  What turns you off?

What problems do you have with your hair?

Baldness, Bed Head, cowlick, thinning, grey hair

Do you ever have a bad hair day?   

What strange things have you seen people do with their hair?  Dye jobs, comb overs, wigs, extensions

Do you put anything in your hair?  Gel, hairspray, or dye?  Would you dye your hair?

Do you want to have a beard or a mustache?
Women.  Do you like beards or mustaches?