What does it mean to work hard? What does it mean to play hard?
Do you work hard? How hard do you work? (*Ask for proof*) Who is the hardest worker you know?
Do you play hard? Why? Why not? Do you know people who play hard?
Westerners live to play. The Chinese live to work. Agree? Disagree?
Do you wish you could play as hard as you work?
Do some people take their leisure as hard as their work? Do they spend all their extra money and time on a side-interest?
Is the "real you" the person who plays or the person who works?
Does you work define you? Does it tells us who you are? Does your work show your interests and beliefs?
Do you think people are born to work or born to play?
Does play stop at the end of childhood? Can adults play?
Does growing older change your feelings about work? About play?
Can playing video games make us better people?
Does playing sports make us better workers?
Does routine work make us better people?
Does learning a language make us a better person?
Do you study things for interest? What do you want to study for interest?
Do you like to talk about your work in your leisure time? Do you hate to talk "shop"?
Volunteering? Do you think it is important to volunteer in your free time? (*Talk about Canadian and American traditions of volunteerism and service clubs.*)
Do you like to talk about your leisure in your work time?
Do you think about what you will do in your free time while you work?
Do you think workers should get together while not working? Do you prefer to have friends who don't work with you?
Is your job your source of friends and acquaintances?
Do you keep work and play separate?
Are there some jobs that require not having a leisure life?
Does the mobile phone make it hard to separate work and play?
Does being a parent mean no free time for yourself?
Should every parent have a hour for himself or herself each day?
Do you have goals that aren't career goals?